Mountain Climbers
Best for: Targeting the transverse abdominis.
Starting position: Assume a plank position, ensuring your back is flat.
- While maintaining a neutral spine, bring your right knee toward your chest, then return it to the starting position.
- Repeat the movement with your left knee, alternating between legs.
- Maintain a tight core throughout the exercise.
- Perform ten reps with each leg for three sets.
Hollow Hold
Best for: Activating all major abdominal muscles, especially the lower rectus abdominis.
Starting position: Lie flat on your back with your arms extended overhead.
- Simultaneously lift your head, shoulder blades, and legs off the ground.
- Keep your lower back pressed into the floor by engaging your core muscles.
- Hold this position, focusing on steady breathing.
- Maintain the hold for as long as possible.
- Rest for a minute and repeat for three sets.