Step-ups or Knee Marching
Utilize a short platform or stair stepper for this exercise. Step onto the platform with one foot, transfer weight to that foot and raise the other knee to a 90-degree angle before slowly stepping down. Maintain balance by holding onto a wall or chair if necessary. For abductor raises, lie on your side, prop yourself with the elbow closest to the ground, and lift the bottom leg for a few seconds before lowering it.
Targeted Muscle Groups: Step-ups activate the quadriceps, hamstrings, gluteus maximus, and calves. Knee marching engages similar muscle groups, focusing on lifting the knee to a 90-degree angle to strengthen these muscles.
Hip Bridge
Lie on your back with your knees bent and heels flat on the floor, approximately six inches away from your butt. Engage your core, press into your heels, and lift your hips off the floor while keeping your back straight. Hold briefly before slowly lowering down. As you progress, attempt a single-leg bridge by lifting one leg into the air.
Targeted Muscle Groups: Primarily activates the gluteus maximus (buttocks), hamstrings, and lower back muscles. The movement involves lifting the hips off the floor, engaging these muscles for stability and strength. [4]