Full-fat Dairy
Full-fat dairy products, such as whole milk, cheese, and cream, contain high amounts of saturated fats that can potentially aggravate gastritis symptoms. These fats can slow the digestive process, leading to prolonged discomfort in the stomach. Moreover, full-fat dairy items might stimulate increased production of stomach acid, contributing to irritation and inflammation in the stomach lining for individuals with gastritis. The fat content in these dairy products can also make them harder to digest, potentially exacerbating gastric issues.
Furthermore, some individuals with gastritis might also be lactose intolerant or sensitive to specific proteins found in dairy, leading to additional gastrointestinal distress. The combination of high-fat content and potential sensitivities can result in increased discomfort and worsened symptoms for those managing gastritis. Therefore, you should look for lower-fat or non-dairy alternatives that can be a more suitable choice to manage gastritis symptoms and support stomach health.
Red Meat
Red meat, like beef, lamb, and pork, contains high fats that can trigger inflammation, potentially exacerbating gastritis symptoms. The digestion process for red meat can be taxing on the stomach due to its higher fat content, potentially causing prolonged discomfort and exacerbating existing gastric issues.
For some individuals, red meat can also be harder to digest, leading to bloating, gas, and abdominal discomfort. Therefore, reducing the consumption of red meat might help manage gastritis symptoms and support overall stomach health. Opting for leaner protein sources or plant-based alternatives could be a wiser choice for individuals with gastritis.