Vegetables are a powerful ally against the irregular beats of Atrial Fibrillation (AFib). Broccoli, spinach, and kale aren’t just greens on your plate; they are rich in essential vitamins and minerals, forming a nutritional shield for your heart. Also, antioxidants, the unsung heroes found in these veggies, play a vital role in supporting cardiovascular well-being.
Spinach, for instance, is a stellar source of potassium, a mineral crucial for maintaining heart rhythm. Meanwhile, broccoli adds a generous dose of vitamin C and fiber, supporting overall cardiovascular health.
What sets vegetables apart in the AFib-friendly lineup is their rich nitrate content. These compounds found abundantly in leafy greens like arugula and beetroot, may play a role in promoting blood vessel function. [2] Nitrate, a natural vegetable component, contributes to the overall cardiovascular well-being by supporting the delicate work of blood vessels.
Fruits, with their natural sweetness and nutritional richness, contribute significantly to an AFib-friendly diet. Berries, citrus fruits, and apples, for instance, contain vitamins, antioxidants, and fiber, collectively supporting cardiovascular health. These fruits also provide potassium, a vital electrolyte that regulates heart rhythm.
Studies indicate that incorporating a variety of fruits, especially those rich in flavonoids, may help reduce obesity and hypertension, risk factors for AFib, making them an essential part of a heart-healthy eating plan. [3]