Schroth Method
Target Muscles: Upper back and lower back.
Starting Position: Lie on your right side on the floor.
- Lift your left leg, holding for 3 seconds, then release—repeat 10 times.
- Utilize a bar at an appropriate height, position your feet beneath it, and pull your body down, holding for a count of 10.
- Complete three sets of this sequence within 25 minutes, maintaining proper posture and seeking assistance from a trainer if needed.
Precaution: Seek guidance while performing this exercise.
Breathing Exercise
Target Muscles: Upper back and lower back.
Starting Position: Lie on a mat, relaxing your shoulders.
- Place fingertips on your chest and perform deep breathing in and out, totaling 10 repetitions.
- Flex knees, lifting legs, and alternate dropping and lifting shins for 10 repetitions.
- Lie on your side with your upper torso supported by a pillow, breathing in and out for 10 repetitions.
- Lie on your back with knees flexed and feet flat, repeating breathing exercises for 10 repetitions over 20 minutes.
Precaution: Maintain a consistent breathing pattern throughout the exercise routine.