Beef stands as an excellent vitamin B12 source. A grilled flat iron steak (about 190 grams) provides 467% of the DV for vitamin B12. Beyond this, it contains respectable amounts of other B vitamins like B2, B3, and B6, along with more than 100% of the DVs for selenium and zinc.
For optimal vitamin B12 concentrations, opting for lean cuts of beef and choosing cooking methods like grilling or roasting over frying is advisable. These strategies help retain the vitamin B12 content, making beef a substantial inclusion in a balanced diet.
Sardines, those small, soft-boned saltwater fish, are nutritional powerhouses. Whether consumed fresh or canned in water, oil, or sauces, they offer a wealth of nutrients. Just a 1-cup (150-gram) serving of drained sardines delivers a staggering 554% of the DV for vitamin B12.
Moreover, sardines are abundant in omega-3 fatty acids, renowned for their anti-inflammatory properties and heart health benefits. These tiny fish present a compact yet impactful way to boost vitamin B12 intake while reaping the rewards of their other nutritional contributions.