Cooked broccoli is blessed with about 92% DV per serving of Vitamin K. Additionally, it has a cancer-fighting potential owing to its sulforaphane content. This versatile vegetable contains a trove of nutrients, from vitamin C to soluble fiber, which makes it a cornerstone of a healthy diet. Adding broccoli to your meals in various ways, such as roasting, steaming, or stir-frying, ensures you reap its numerous health benefits.
Raw spinach, a leafy green, provides 121% DV per serving, making it another potent source of vitamin K. Its versatility extends from salads to smoothies, showcasing its adaptability in various recipes.
Also, spinach boasts an impressive array of other nutrients, from iron to folate, supporting overall well-being and contributing to healthy skin and hair. Its mild taste makes it a go-to choice for boosting nutritional content without overpowering flavors.