Lice Bites
Lice infestations cause small and red bites that itch intensely, especially around the shoulders, neck, and scalp. These parasitic insects thrive in clothing and bedding, spreading easily through close contact. While lice bites are not painful, the relentless itching can lead to sleepless nights. Continuous scratching may cause the bites to become infected, requiring medical attention. It’s worth noting that, apart from the discomfort they cause, lice are not known to transmit diseases. However, managing an infestation promptly is crucial to prevent spreading and to alleviate symptoms.
Ant Bites and Stings
Ants, particularly fire ants, deliver bites and stings ranging from mildly irritating to intensely painful. These tiny insects bite to grip their target, then sting to inject venom, causing a sharp, burning sensation. The sting site may develop into itchy, white blisters or pustules within a day, lasting up to a week. While most ant bites are manageable with home care, fire ant stings can trigger allergic reactions in some individuals, potentially leading to severe symptoms. It’s important to avoid scratching the bites to prevent infection. In cases of an allergic reaction, seeking immediate medical attention is necessary.