Brussels Sprouts
Brussels sprouts, often misunderstood and underappreciated, are tiny powerhouses of cancer-preventive compounds. Like their cruciferous relatives, they are loaded with sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinol. Roasted, steamed, or shredded into salads, Brussels sprouts offer a flavorful and nutritious option for those looking to reduce their cancer risk.
Oranges, bright and bursting with flavor, are not just a source of vitamin C but also beta-cryptoxanthin, a carotenoid with cancer-preventing properties. This pigment is particularly effective in reducing the risk of lung cancer development and spread. Enjoying an orange as a snack or in your morning juice can be a simple yet impactful choice for your health.
Studies linking high levels of beta-cryptoxanthin with reduced lung cancer risk highlight the importance of including oranges in your diet. This juicy fruit offers a tasty way to safeguard against cancer potentially. [4]