Coffee, a global favorite, offers more than just a morning boost. Loaded with caffeine, it’s a catalyst for improved mood and increased physical and mental performance. Surprisingly, caffeine can also aid in fat burning. Research on nine individuals revealed that caffeine consumption before exercise led to almost double the fat burning and a 17% longer exercise duration than those without caffeine. To harness the fat-burning benefits of caffeine while avoiding potential side effects like anxiety or insomnia, a moderate intake of up to 400 mg per day is recommended, equivalent to about 4–5 cups of coffee, depending on its strength. [3]
Green Tea
Green tea, recognized for its health perks, holds a moderate caffeine content alongside a rich source of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), an antioxidant promoting fat burning and targeting belly fat reduction. While studies exhibit a 17% increase in fat burning among individuals who consumed green tea extract, other research yields mixed outcomes. Despite some studies not highlighting significant effects on metabolism or weight loss, consuming up to four cups of green tea daily may boost calorie burn. The varying results suggest that green tea’s impacts could be individual-specific and contingent upon the quantity consumed. [4]