Olive Oil
Renowned as one of the healthiest fats, olive oil exhibits prowess in lowering triglycerides, boosting HDL cholesterol, and triggering the release of GLP-1, contributing to prolonged satiety. Studies propose that olive oil might bolster metabolic rate and promote fat loss. A study involving 12 postmenopausal women illustrated that consuming extra virgin olive oil alongside a meal led to increased calorie burn, particularly among women with abdominal obesity. Drizzling a few tablespoons of olive oil onto salads or incorporating it into cooked dishes enables the integration of this beneficial fat into daily nutrition. [5]
Full-Fat Greek Yogurt
Revered for its nutritional richness, full-fat Greek yogurt stands out as an excellent source of protein, potassium, calcium, and probiotics, essential for gut health. Research suggests that high-protein dairy products aid in fat loss, muscle preservation during weight reduction, and satiety enhancement. Additionally, conjugated linoleic acid found in full-fat Greek yogurt contributes to weight loss and fat burning in overweight individuals, as evidenced by a comprehensive review encompassing 18 studies. [6]