Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
Pose type: Standing
From a hands-and-knees position, lift your hips upward, forming an inverted V-shape. Keep hands shoulder-width apart and feet hip-width apart. Press palms into the ground, straighten arms and legs (if possible), and lift your sit bones towards the ceiling.
This pose stretches the entire body, increasing flexibility in the spine, shoulders, hamstrings, and calves. It strengthens the arms and legs while relieving tension in the upper body, promoting circulation, and calming the mind.
Extended Side Angle (Utthita Parvakonasana)
Pose type: Standing
Begin from the Warrior II pose, then extend your front arm over the bent leg, keeping the other arm reaching toward the ceiling. Keep the front knee bent, aligning it above the ankle. Support yourself by resting your forearm on your thigh or placing your hand on a yoga block.
Offering a deep stretch to the sides of the torso, this pose strengthens the legs and core muscles. It enhances flexibility in the hips and shoulders, improves balance, and stimulates digestion while opening the chest and lungs for better breathing. [3]